
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bows and Arrows!

Bows were originated used for hunting such as deer or any other fast moving animals for the survival of mankind. Through out history there are many different types of bows that have been invented, but all serve the same purpose, which is to shoot from a distance with deadly force and accuracy. Longbows and crossbows were originally made in the European countries. Long bows were most commonly used by the English is was light and also fast to reload. The crossbow was common used by the French, it was more powerful but it took a long time to reload.

During the Hundred Years of War it was fought between two major kingdoms, the English and the French. The English always had an advantage compared to the French, because of the English used the long bow which could reload twice as fast as a crossbow. The composite bow are commonly known in the Middle East and in Asia. Many cultures from the Turkish and the Mongolian Huns have learned to make it smaller yet lighter, but it also could develop the same or even more amount of energy than a longbow. Composite bows can be used on foot, but stable enough to shoot while riding on a horse.

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